Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:

Get Wet! Be Messy!

Here’s a little tip for you today: Go get wet!

Think about it—birth, sex, even death—these major moments in life are messy, often wet and full of raw emotion. And yet, we usually try to avoid the mess, myself included. But here’s the truth: some of life’s most joyful, fun, and pleasurable moments come when we let go and embrace the mess. The times when we don’t care if our hair gets wet or if we look a little less than perfect.

Maybe the first step for you is to grab your favorite umbrella, step outside, and simply watch the rain. Enjoy the beauty in the chaos, like I do when I sit by the lake. And then, maybe set that umbrella aside and get wet. Or take it a step further—go get naked and feel the rain on your skin.

Skinny-dipping in the rain is an experience you won’t forget!

And if you’re looking to dive deeper into your pleasure and empowerment, don’t forget to join The Naked Truth: Three Sex Myths Every Woman Deserves to Know. I’ll be breaking down one myth a day, starting Tuesday. If you miss it live, no worries—there’s a replay. You won’t want to miss these juicy insights! Join the Women’s Spirit Collective Facebook group!

Don’t forget to share yourgetting wetmoments! Post them on our Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood Facebook group! I’d love to see how you’re embracing the mess.

** Note: Remember to answer the questions and agree to the rules for joining the Facebook group and for a safe community.

With joy and wet hair!