Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:
Happy Blessed 2025
Walking along the road in Progreso, Yucatán, Mexico, I found a tiny, intricate shell—not on the beach, but just off the road. How silly it would be for this shell to compare itself to another: “You’re bigger than me” or “You’re more colorful.“ Each shell, like each of us, is unique and beautiful.
Here’s my tip for you: Stop comparing yourself to others.
You are uniquely you, and that’s your superpower. Sure, it’s great to connect over shared experiences, but as women, we often overlook what makes us special. So instead of comparing, take a moment to celebrate your unique qualities.
Oh, and here’s a fun tidbit: I found these festive, Christmas-tree-inspired pussy ears (yes, that’s my signature style!)—reminding me to embrace what makes me, well, me.
Take this as your gentle nudge to own your individuality this week. I’ll be back next week with more tips to help you uncover your unique magic.
Also, The doors to our Pleasure Program will be closing on January 13th, 2025. Book your complimentary 60-minute Pleasure Breakthrough now BEFORE it’s too late.
During your one-on-one individualized Pleasure Breakthrough session, I will create & hold sacred space for you & you will:
✅ Discover & share your deepest desires, big life dreams & Divine purpose.
✅ Have an opportunity to feel seen, heard, and understood.
✅ Uncover what beliefs are blocking you & what is stopping you from living your dream, living your life fully & embracing your birthright to pleasure.
✅ Co-create your next best step.
✅ See if it’s a fit for you to apply to our Pleasure Program and get you more simple strategies to liberate your pleasure.
Click here for your LAST CHANCE to book your Pleasure Breakthrough!
For more weekly tips join my Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood Facebook Group. If you’re not a part of the group yet, answer the three questions to join our safe and sacred space.
See you next week!
P.S. What’s one unique thing you love about yourself? Hit reply—I’d love to hear it! 🌊✨