Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:

Sing & Get Grounded!

How often do you ground yourself, truly connect with Mother Earth, and welcome yourself home to yourself?

This week, I invite you to embrace a simple but transformative practice: singing to ground yourself.

Here’s a song to start with:
🎶 Funga ala feya, ashe ashe
(Welcome, welcome to my heart)

Stand up, press your feet into the earth, move your body, and sing! Let it center you. Feel the rhythm within you—it’s already there because you are the music.

If this song doesn’t resonate, find one that does. Singing is a powerful way to reconnect with yourself and Mother Earth.

Want to dive deeper into practices that ground and nourish you?

👉 Join me for a Pleasure Breakthrough Session.

The doors to our 12-month Pleasure Program are open for a short time!

Book your complimentary 60-minute Pleasure Program if you are interested in discovering more.

During your one-on-one individualized Pleasure Breakthrough session, I will create & hold sacred space for you & you will:

✅ Discover & share your deepest desires and big life dreams.
✅ Have an opportunity to feel seen, heard, and understood.
✅ Uncover the #1 limiting belief that stops you from living your life fully & embracing your birthright to pleasure.
✅ Co-create your next best step. See if it’s a fit for you to apply to our Pleasure Program and get you more simple strategies to liberate your pleasure.

Click here to book your Pleasure Breakthrough

Spots for our Pleasure Program are open briefly, so don’t wait!

Until then, keep singing, moving, and grounding yourself. 🌱

See you next week!

PS Join our Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood Facebook Group for weekly tips. If you’re not a part of the group yet, answer the three questions to join our safe and sacred space.