Belief Re-patterning ~ Professional Development Experiential Workshop

I am so ecstatic! This month 2 of my passions are merging!  This is definitely a sacred union of the most high!

– You’ll be immersed in experiences that will provide you with a basic re-patterning skill set
– Receive tools to make the rest of your life the best of your life!
– Learn the first steps to apply the Belief Re-patterning technique to your unique situation
– Experience deep, meaningful and permanent transformation supporting you in BEcoming the best you can BE

And… you will connect with our community that is committed to creating a kinder and more positive world

Exclusively for Educators (anyone who works with kids; coaches, teachers, childcare providers)
August 17—19 or December 3—5 in Edmonton
October 29—30 in Calgary

In addition you will also:
– Model positive self-talk for the children in your sphere of influence
-Create a foundational structure for the children to use both at school and at home
– Create a foundational structure for the children to use both at school and at home

Flip YOUR Switch and Flip YOUR Switch for Educators has been approved under the Professional Development Funding Grant, through Alberta Children’s Services.

For more information click on pdf link below or to register:
Call the office: (403)286-9380 or Email:

FYSE Flip Your Switch for Educators booklet K-9 outcomes 2018

FYSE Flyer