Enjoy a guided Kundalini Dance journey into your heart chakra & expand in & as love (Women only)

About this event
Do you love yourself unconditionally?
Have you been sabotaging yourself?
Is your heart feeling closed & contracted or open & expanded as love?
Is your self talk negative & self deprecating or loving & uplifting?
Are you yearning to love yourself more deeply & ripple your love out to all of your relationships?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then our Heart Chakra Kundalini Dance Journey is for YOU!

You know your Heart Chakra is STRONG when you enjoy comfortable, loving and empathic relationships at home, at work and in your community. You get along with your family. Your friends see you as a reliable person. At work, you’re known as the one people can talk to. You feel a heartfelt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is, and feel compassion for all around you. You know your Heart

Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED when you tend to sabotage your relationships with distrust, anger, and a sense that you’ll lose your independence if you rely too much on others. You may struggle with commitment, experience frequent fights or misunderstandings with your loved ones, and always keep yourself “on guard” in case you get hurt by someone.

You will:

• feel more feminine, light, calm, sensual & relaxed.
• awaken your inner love goddess and be filled up from the inside so that you can give from your overflow
• dance to dissolve all that is not love
• expand & open in and as love, your true Divine essence
• feel supported, loved & connected with like-minded sacred sisters

Heart Chakra is the colour green & pink. It is the bridge between your lower & upper chakras

Heart chakra connects with your sense of touch, love, air, breath, balance, relationship, self- acceptance, affinity, unity, healing, compassion, empathy, peaceful

13 spots opened

Dance Time: 7 – 10 pm (arrive by 6:45 pm)
Location: Capilano Area, Edmonton, AB (exact location sent upon receipt of payment)

To register:

Register on Eventbrite
e-transfer pleasurecoachvireo@gmail.com

Investment: $44 + GST = $46.20

Bring a Friend & Save $11 each = $33 + GST = $34.65 each
Use Promo Code: BringAFriendAndSave

AND no one is ever turned away because of $. PM if you would like to create a sacred exchange, trade with me.

At the Door: $55 + GST = $57.75 (only if space available – text Vireo 780 905 4912 to confirm)

Email Vireo for a list of what to bring & location: pleasurecoachvireo@gmail.com

No experience required. There is no choreography. The term ‘dance’ is often misleading.

Kundalini Dance™ is an ecstatic transformative & healing form of dance that combines breath, sound and spontaneous movement with music.

Vireo, certified Kundalini Dance™ facilitator since 2008, will guide you to use breath, sound and movement to connect with your own body wisdom. You will have many opportunities to dive deep into your own experience and soak up the healing vibes of Marcus’ healing & high vibrational music.

The only requirement is a willingness to breathe while exploring movement and sound alongside Vireo’s loving & playful guidance and with the nourishing dynamic music of DJ Noodle Soup helping you to be in your body & experience joy.

In our Guided Journey into Kundalini Dance, you will also:

• Get out of your mind & into your body
• Clear old stagnant stuck energy & emotions, especially fears & hurts stored in your heart chakra
• Open your body as love
• feel more sensual, beautiful & feminine
• Raise your vibration & radiate the love that is your true essence
• Integrate positive life change
• Embody more flow & self love & self acceptance
• Feel connected with & supported in sacred community

During our Kundalini dance experience, Vireo will also weave & guide you with our superpower tool of Belief Re-patterning®, so that you can shift some of those limiting beliefs that stop you from being your feminine sensual in the flow self.

Vireo is a Kundalini Dance™ Facilitator, Belief Re-Patterning® Practitioner, Tao Tantric Arts Sacred Femininity Facilitator, Laughter Yoga Facilitator, Author, Mother and Grandmother. With her free-spirited nature, she loves to create sacred spaces and playful connections where you can dissolve limiting beliefs, reclaim your birthright to pleasure and open to the divine. Check out her website (& free gift) at www.pleasurecoachvireo.ca

Vireo, also known as Pleasure Coach Vireo, has been coaching women & leading women in Kundalini Dance™ since May 2008 when she became certified as Kundalini Dance™ Facilitator by its founder Leyolah Antara.

What others have to say who have experienced Kundalini Dance with Vireo:

“Vireo’s healing dance class offers an opportunity for celebration, growth, healing and connection, inwardly and outwardly. I recommend this class highly for anyone who is drawn to liberation and bliss. This class, and Vireo’s work, carried me forward and supported me on my journey towards wholeness.”(Christine Carter, MD)

“Ecstatic dance on Sunday …was fun .. haven’t smiled that much in a while .. “ (Debbie)

“I was able to let go of worry, released stuckness. I experienced shift of my body & mind. I felt more joy after and believed more… (Jada)

“When I first came here, my heart was feeling heavy… after ecstatic dance I am feeling a lot lighter, clearer in my thoughts, & feeling the community…. I can’t recommend it enough, beautiful experience”. (Jay)

I highly recommend this dance class with LIVE music!! Vireo is a very talented, energetic and enthusiastic facilitator….you’ll come away feeling refreshed and rejuvenated…(Holly Gibson)

For more information email Vireo: pleasurecoachvireo@gmail.com