An intimate sacred playful 2 1/2 day gathering to rejuvenate & reconnect with your feminine & like minded spiritual soul sisters in nature.
About this event
• Are you done with feeling isolated & disconnected?
• Feeling stressed & overwhelmed?
• Has your life become mundane or you’ve lost your inner spark?
• Are you yearning for some deep rejuvenation & real feminine connection, in nature?
• Would you like more joy, bliss & playfulness?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, then our “Sacred Goddess Temple Re-Treat on Amisk Lake ~ Reboot Your Pleasure & Joy” is for YOU!
You will:
- Heal old wounds so that you can feel more alive, vibrant & in your feminine flow
- Dissolve shame & other limiting beliefs around your body & femininity
- Feel seen, heard & understood by other like minded spiritual sacred sisters
- Deepen your self love & connection with your feminine nature
- Come home to your Self & reignite your inner spark & fun factor
- Feel nurtured & deeply rejuvenated – mind, heart, body & soul
This Sacred Goddess Temple Re-Treat Gathering is for you if you:
- Enjoy being outside having the ‘billion stars” outdoor experience instead of the 5 Star Hotel in the city
- Are a spiritual woman who wants to play & live life more fully
- Want to be in sisterhood with other like-minded soulful playful women
- Want to stop feeling like the world is against you & start believing you are supported by others & the Universe
- Are ready to let your hair down, go barefoot while slowing down for 2 1/2 days & being more in your feminine natural flow
This 2 ½ day Sisterhood Re-treat is NOT for you if you:
- Are hoping for a 5-star hotel in the city with flush toilet & hot shower
- Want to believe that the world is against you instead of for you
- Are looking for a weekend of drinking, getting stoned & partying
- Will be upset if you get dirty or wet being outside in nature
Day 1
- Arrival anytime after 4 pm
- Shared meal @ 5:30 pm
- 7 pm opening circle & Fire Ceremony & Ritual (transforming what no longer serves you/us)
Day 2
- Morning movement practices & sacred rituals
- Heal old wounds & betrayals, (feminine, masculine, inner child….)
- Teachings & learnings to dissolve blocks that stop you from being joyful & your powerful feminine self
- Experience a sacred evening – Finnish traditional wood burning sauna & spa by the lake
Day 3
- Morning movement practices & sacred rituals
- Teachings & learnings around embodying your sacred feminine
- Closing gathering & meal 4 pm.
- Departure 6 pm
My superpower tool of Belief Re-patterning® (founded by my mentor Suze Casey) will be sprinkled through out our time together so that you can transform those old programs & limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in shame, feeling small and not good enough. My Belief Re-patterning® will support you in being more of your authentic feminine sensual self.
As a Sacred Femininity Facilitator with Tao Tantric Arts, I will also be sharing ancient Taoist Tantric practices that I learned studying in Thailand for 2 months in 2017, that will support you in reclaiming your sacred feminine & birthright to pleasure as medicine. I have been helping women to dissolve body shame & to embody their feminine since 2007. Many of my clients call me the ‘shame buster’.
Location: 2 hours northeast of Edmonton in a secluded private location on Amisk Lake, Alberta. Address of private location with directions is sent to you upon receipt of deposit & registration.
Register now to save your spot.
Space for 8 women (maximum)
Sold out last 3 years.
Investment: $597
Super Early Bird Goddess Special $497 + BONUS (up until midnight July17 )
Promo Code: SaveEarlyBird100
Save: $100 & receive bonus of 1 on 1 one hour coaching session with Pleasure Coach Vireo (value $197)
Early Bird Goddess Special $497 (up until midnight July 24)
Promo Code: SaveEarlyBird100
+ Meals & Accommodations are extra:
Meals: $125 for catered meals (Friday Supper, Saturday Breakfast Lunch & Supper & Sunday Breakfast Lunch & Supper)
- meals e-transfer payable to my caterer Nina (details emailed upon registration)
- accommodation payable to our retreat location hosts Albert or Pirkko Karvonen (see below) – cash or cheque
• Log cabin $100/night (shared by 2 or 4 women)
• Tenting $25/night
• Tent trailer $30/night
Register on Eventbrite
July 29 – 31
Aug 26 – 28
or e-transfer $200 to hold your spot.
Security question: What is Vireo’s favourite colour?
See banner background for colour answer (all lower case) or email & ask for password.