“Before working with Vireo for my Belief Re-Patterning, I was fearful, anxious and tense.  My back and shoulders ached.  I had just found out I had been laid off from a job and I was fearful for the future.
While I ‘knew’ the universe would support me, deep down I felt very unsure and vulnerable.
After my session with Vireo, I immediately shifted to feeling calm and totally supported 100%. I was much more relaxed and really believed the universe had my back and that I was powerful and thankful for the gifts and wisdom I received.  Also, I manifested 5 new clients as evidence of my shift.
Vireo is amazing to work with, her easy, joyful nature immediately filled me up with her beauty and light.  She is like a playful child who champions you with her enthusiasm and her caring makes you feel held, heard and supported.
She is an authentic light-worker who really cares about the people she works with and genuinely wants to help women love themselves, break out of old patterns and truly become empowered.”

Domina Doll

Sex Coach, Evoking Ecstasy