Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:
Be Grateful!
Today, my tip for you is to embrace gratitude. Be thankful for the fresh air you breathe and appreciate the fact that you are alive. Find gratitude in having a home and shelter.
Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of people, Dawn and Bran, at a friend’s gathering in Kelowna. They had just been evacuated from their home due to the wildfires. What struck me was their joy, dancing, laughter, and overall enjoyment of the evening despite the challenging circumstances. They were simply grateful to be alive and to have family they could stay with during the evacuation.
They could see the flames from their home across the way. So, remember to be grateful. Don’t take things for granted, such as the gift of fresh air.
I’ve been experiencing a sore throat for the past few days because of the fires in our area. Yet, I remain grateful for being alive and for the incredible friends and people in my life. I’m thankful for having two eyes to see with, a car to drive, and two feet to walk with, as well as the many beautiful opportunities in my life.
So, let’s focus on gratitude. I promise you that if you concentrate on what you can be grateful for right now, especially the fulfillment of basic needs, it will shift your perspective from failure to success and open you up to more joy.
Be grateful!
Let me know how that goes for you inside our Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood Facebook Group!
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See you next week.