Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:

​Find A Pond or Slough…

My tip for you today is to go and find a little pond or a slough and just sit and watch and see what you discover.

I stopped in honor of the memory of my dad at the pond, where he would often stop when we were kids on the way to his family’s farm. I saw a beautiful little muskrat!

I highly recommend finding a quiet spot by a pond or slough during these beautiful summer months. There’s something magical about being surrounded by nature because you never know what wonders you might stumble upon. It’s the perfect way to unwind and reconnect with the world around us.

Let me know what you discover or what you find by these little ponds, or go off on a country road somewhere and find a little pond or a slough. Let me know in our Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood Facebook Group!

See you next week!