Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip:
Pick Berries at the Local Farm
My tip for you today is to find a local berry farm and go and pick some berries, and then at some point, put some in your mouth, maybe just one or two.
Look at them first, smell them, close your eyes, and focus on the taste. I promise they will taste better than anything you would have got in the store.
Being in Mama Nature will also help you feel recharged, nourished, and reset your brain.
Let me know what your favorite berries to pick inside our Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood. And remember, your pleasure matters. Pleasure nourishes all of your vital organs, and it is your birthright.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Please answer the questions AND agree to the Facebook group rules. It keeps our group safe from vulnerable shares, and answers are must to join the private group.
Also, don’t forget to join me for the Rise Wellness Festival, Aug 17-20, 2023. To fill yourself in nature with lots of wellness and other like-minded people.
👉🏻 Register here for the festival!
See you next week!