Go Get Wet!

Go Get Wet!

Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip: Go Get Wet! Today, let’s celebrate the rain. Step outside, feel the droplets on your skin and immerse yourself in its beauty. Whether you’re near water or not, take a moment to appreciate the gift of rain and its...
Stop. Just Stop.

Stop. Just Stop.

Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip: Look for Magic! Today, I want to share a simple yet powerful reminder: stop. In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the beauty around us. But by giving ourselves the gift of time, we open ourselves up to moments of...
Be Grateful!

Be Grateful!

Your Weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Tip: Be Grateful! Today, my tip for you is to embrace gratitude. Be thankful for the fresh air you breathe and appreciate the fact that you are alive. Find gratitude in having a home and shelter. Last night, I had the pleasure of...